eSchool Preschool and my day care
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eLearning content will come from EduTEC, the providers themselves, Preschool vendors and K12 high schools around the country
The Providers will create their own lesson plans for inclusion into a high end sweepstakes. Providers that all ready have material on the web eventually gain both tangible (cost, quality) and intangible (information, control, relationships) benefits while themselves contributing ever more value to the portal. Each time a providers lesson plan is selected they will receive points, incentives and inclusion into special vendor offers. Providers can seek and share lesson plans from one personal computer to another using a Napster type methodology.
eSchool PreSchool is partnering with James Integrated Technologies to build interactive loyalty and incentive programs for High School Computer Labs and eSchool PreSchool vendors. High Schools in each state will receive a free 20 station comprehensive eCommerce lab, the software (commerce and webservers), exercises, example lesson plans and activities to gain practical skills as eSchool and eCommerce webmasters. K-12 kids will compete to build lesson plans to gain points for computer hardware and software dollars from vendors for their schools. K12 kids are positioned better than IT professionals.