eSchool PreSchool
eBusiness Network
eSchool Preschool is an eBusiness Portal targeted to Home Day Care providers. The Website is a highbred of B2B, B2C, and P2P (portal to Portal) networks and exchanges. It uses a combination of 3 eBusiness models: aggregator, value add and distributed networks for delivering goods and services. It consists of one ISP in Minnesota and back up site in Florida. It also includes an ASP and an HSP for mobile and wireless users.
eLearning transaction common data exchanges with partners
The transactions are supported by Family Clerk which put the put the point of communication at the point of action. Family Clerk is a self-hosting, royalty free integrated eCommerce application, webserver customized for eSchool Preschool. Providers act as reps for products and goods sold. eSchool Preschool is designed to discourage the buyer (parent) and seller (Provider) from being mutually available to agree on details. Family Clerk is always available integrating virtual sales. |
Family Clerk is always available from the marketing effort to the check clearing the bank.