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About MyURwebsite Welcome to my personal website My website provides my customers in my territory with a one-stop-shop for everything that a customer needs in order to do construction. This website will help you manage free tool and merchandise delivery to your jobsite(s). Like the Schwans and Simon Delivers instantly recognizable yellow trucks, I have a weekly route. And I deliver tools and merchandise on scheduled days free of charge. This website is about conveniance and service. It is not to make you automate. It is merely one more way to use email in addition to phone and fax. Use the most conveniant communication for you or your staff. While most of you meet with me primarily to rent equipment, your needs may go much further. My goal is to provide you conveniance, supplying nearly every construction tool that is needed for a day on the job at the lowest cost. United Rentals has a million sq. ft. of retail floor space. We are the largest rental equipment company in the world. No national rental company can sell to and service the professional contractor like we and I can. United Rentals buying power is similar to Best Buy, Home Depot, and Menards. I can help you finance capital equipment with no down payments. This website will provide you "specials" with lower rental rates and bring you great deals on new and used equipment before anyone else knows it's available. Buy leveraging United Rentals size and success and the efficiencies of my website you secure the best prices and the most diligent supplier service. While personal visits are always my best way for me to listen and learn, this website will help you find construction products, assist you in ordering, and provide realtime access to other types of support one customer at a time. You can contact me in real-time from this website by sending a text message to my Nextel.. My website will provide better products at better prices. I provide you the conveniance of communicating with me 24 / 7 / 250 days of the year for the newest products and your favorite brands. There is more product knowledge, safety information and professional advise linked to than all my local competitors combined. Join my Customer Advisory Board and learn about savings plans and special dicounts like $100.00 off your first month rental. CAB is a powerful way to network with peers and improve customer satisfaction. It is a practical and dynamic way for United Rentals, Inc. to stay in touch with our most important asset - our customers. It is a tool for the supplier/customer - Relationship - Building Process. Thank you for your business. For
your convenience, I can track your favorite products and provide online
specials. |
Scott T. Olson
Cell: (612)490-2196
Nextel: 36940