Bar Code
The Tool you need to improve manufacturing
Bar Code SKILLS ASSESSMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS OUTLINE ADC On-line has developed the ADC Skills Assessment (25 page Microsoft WORD Document) as an outline to serve as a system integrators guide in exploring those dimensions within the automatic data collection technologies.. The "Skills Assesment" can be ordered via email and will help ensure that your ADC System achieves maximum performance and is your guide to identify any inadequate implementation skills. A successful ADC program requires not only making the right hardware and software choices, but also careful involvement and integration of the people skills in the organization. Use the skills assessment as a tool to examine the competency of the project team. PART 1 - SYSTEM DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS PART 2 - PHYSICS OF THE ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM PART 3 - AUTOMATIC DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM COMPONENTS PART 4 - COMPLIANCE LABELING AND EDI PART 5 - BUSINESS PROCESSES IMPROVEMENT PART 6 - COMPUTERS, COMMUNICATION, CONNECTIVITY, OPERATING SYSTEMS, PROTOCOLS, TOPOLOGIES AND NETWORKING PART 7 - SOFTWARE AND DATABASES PART 8 - ADC LINKAGES WITH TQM PRINCIPALS AND TECHNIQUES PART 9 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT ISSUES