Scott T. Olson

Professional Activities
Personal Activities
Continuous Education


Customer: Honeywell

Application: Shop floor Control - Device Cycle time was 26 days, fallout rate was 30%, factory cost per unit $76.00, Quality Level was 87%, Packing Errors were 2%, Paperwork Always looking for correct information and paperwork changes took up to one week.

Production Changes

Results Savings
1. Device cycle time 1.5 Hrs. 996%
2. Fallout rate 5% 983%
3. Factory cost $43.00 434%
4. Quality level 99.6% 156%
5. Packaging errors 0 1000%
6. Paperwork................replaced with real time information.
7. Changes to Paperwork.............same day paper free workspace.
Customer: Donaldsons

Application: Labor Tracking - Approximately $50,000 investment for ADC. "This is a dummy project…I‘d have to be a dummy not to approve this project!" V.P. Donaldsons

Before After
Clerical Time 18-20 hours/day 3-4 hours/day
Information availability Reports very late on-time labor reports
Accuracy I don’t know"…to poor Very few payroll errors
Employee Acceptance Handwritten cards disliked Moral improved
Transaction rate number growing, not enough staff to keep up. Salaried overtime down 50%
Pay-back Less than ten months

Customer: Northwest Airlines

Application : Project Management -WIP for aircraft refurbishment and re-manufacturing of 747 Jumbo Jets. Tracking all repair and inspection of mechanics and FAA inspectors. Total system cost of ADC hardware, software and PC network: $32,498.00

Return on Investment Analysis

Annual Savings Payback in Years
Reutilization of clerical staff $32500.00 1.0
Reutilization of technical staff $288135.00 0.1
Open Positions no longer needed $19512.00 1.7
Enhancements to existing system no longer required $15225.00 2.1
Total Annual Savings $355372.00
Total Payback Period in years: .09
ROI analysis almost always less than a year for smaller systems and less than 18 months for fortune 500 companies.

(Click the man on a search for manufacturing excellence)

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  "The Search for Manufacturing Excellence" Lead team of 7 people that facilitated the following 7 plant tours for big AME event. Produced $100,000 revenue and $40,000 profit. A self assessment of overall program using the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award criteria scored in range 4 of the 7 ranges. Leadership was 70 out of 90 points possible.

 "Employee Involvement, Cycle Time and Quality Improvement," 3M Magnetic Media Plant, Hutchinson, MN.

 ZYTEC SHOWCASE: "Continuous Improvement and Benchmarking", winner of 1991 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and first winner of Minnesota Council for Quality Award, Zytec, Redwood Falls, Minnesota.

 "From Market Needs to Customer Satisfaction", strategic planning process, quality improvement in supplier service support and supplier base management, Hutchinson Technology Inc., Hutchinson, Minnesota.

 "Excellence in Manufacturing EIM", cell downsizing continuous setup reduction and teamwork, 1992 Shingo Prize for Excellence in Manufacturing Industry Weeks "Top 10" Award, Dana Gresen, St. Paul, Minnesota.

 "Global Time Based Manufacturing Strategies", self managed work teams in an union environment and flexible automation, Honeywell Home and Building Controls, Golden Valley, Minnesota.

 "Short Cycle Manufacturing Cycle Time Reduction", Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award including strategic planning benchmarking and customer service, IBM, Rochester, Minnesota.

ADC Activities

 Created and organized the first "Upper Midwest Systems Expo," September 1991. Lead a team of 10 people and combined 10 competitors' mail lists and then located a sponsor. AIM (Automatic Identification Manufacturers) resulted in a regional conference with nearly 1000 attendees. This provided a nucleus for AIM to start local chapters. Minneapolis was the first local chapter of AIM.


 Started Dytec's' QUALITY journey by first training management on TQM principals with help of outside consultants, suppliers and customers. Brought customers in to address entire company on customer expectations. Put every employee through mandatory off site training at the ZYTEC SHOWCASE, a customer that won the Minnesota Quality Award and Malcolm Baldridge Award. Volunteer quality training is ongoing through participation on the Dytec Quality Council (4 person committee at quarterly intervals.)

Bar Code

 Created the Bar Code Master Plan Kit, a planning and design tool to help project managers in a hands-on team environment create a process flow analysis for bar code data collection. Complimenting the kit is the Master Plan Manual which uses process visualization techniques to design a bar code system.

 Created the Big Picture Workshops. Organized 10 non-competing vendors to sponsor a "total solution" workshop where attendees put their plan on paper. Using a very consultative approach with physical participation helping the attendees put together an R.F.Q., request for quote, in two days. These regional conferences start in Boston and end up in Anaheim completing a circuit of 10 cities in one year (learning process).

Scott T. Olson