3. Pinpoint best value and lowest cost products and supplies When you shop for groceries, you typically also shop for other products and supplies such as napkins, paper cups, toilet paper, etc. The software will track your food orders and intelligently figure out the inventory levels and types of provider supplies associated with meals and estimate the quantity used. Then it will search the best value and lowest cost of goods on the internet. Another click or scan and your products are ordered-saving you time and money. On weekends you might shop for just about anything to operate your daycare business. It may be office supplies, printer cartridges, toys, presents, crafts, playground equipment or Minivans. This site will target vendors products and services to the childcare profession and find savings of up to 30-50%. It will also have a Garage Sale link to find the 50-70% off deals all delivered to your home or pre-packaged and ready for you to pick up!