coming soon...coming
soon...coming soon
Create an eBusiness that helps kids and the people taking care of them succeed.
Provide every child with equal access to the same high standard(s) of education from birth to (K)indergarten. Help Day Care providers through eLearning, eCare and eCommerce lower their operating costs and earn extra income to those who have demonstrated proficiency in their field.
I. Provide free online educational
resource to Childcare Professionals
II. Expand meal plans with online grocery orders for
next day home delivery
III. Pinpoint best value and lowest cost products, supplies
and services
IV. Provide eCare resources for providers, their families,
Daycare kids and parents
V. Providers earn income through points and incentives
from parents and relatives
VI. Provide fast, easy and painless daily operation
of a system with mouse and bar codes