4a. Provide eCare resources for providers and their families Providers have strength (power): Providers will shop for daily essentials and help each other. If Tide stops washing whiter than white, everyone will find out faster than fast. Providers network with other providers creating chat sessions and groups through FamilyClerk.com. Providers have opportunities for improvement financialy and socially so the site takes pride in helping the provider to be more successful as business owners. There are links to Grants for improvements and a computer to operate eSchool Preschool. The eCare will help you find Family Child Care associations, business and legal resources and organizations that assist providers in financial issues. The site provides online news and information on record keeping, taxes, IRS audits, contracts, insurance, and other family child care business issues. We will respond to telephone and e-mail questions on business issues provide links to state-by-state listings of tax preparers who are familiar with family child care tax forms. It will advertize the books we believe will help define quality care and education and promote good child care practices in the providers we serve. We will link you to local online resources for your work as an early childhood professional. 4b. Provide eCare resources for kids The website includes a page where kids can pick and choose the toys and games they like with a click, drag and drop of a mouse or a scan of a UPC product code. It will post the toys they like for birthdays and holidays on the web and at your local "Target Store Day Care Registry". The site will automatically email the parents home and/or their employers corporate Intranet and send them reminders with graphic images of the kids playing with the toys. The site will list links to local parks, books, literature, Cub Scouts, camps, computer games, movies, zoos, kid art, fishing, flying, sports, you rule school activities, magazines, TV, etc. Kids can visit "Uncle Ted" A secret pal to help with any possible problem from being called a name, being stung by a bee, to bed wetting, to abuse, to Suicide. 4c. Provide eCare resources for parents Many on-line resources for early childhood care givers will be beneficial to any Mom/Dad or Grandparent caring for a child. Uncle Ted will be helpful for chat with parents as well to share concerns about behavior, abuse, divorce, etc. Links will be offered to Faith based organizations, Church's, prayer groups and fellowship to help parents and kids get saved. Parents can communicate much more effectively with their provider through email than voice mail. Emails from your kid(s) with digital images and audio to brighten up your day can be viewed and forwarded to Grandma and friends. "See how your kids doing today". Each preschool child will have their own individual progress password protected and secure online for Cognitive, Social, Emotional, and Physical Development. Metrics and benchmarks can be privately emailed to parents home or to their companies corporate Intranet. An insurance company will give .10 cents a day towards your child's college fund for attending eSchool PreSchool. eSchool Preschool provides links to other financial institutions and can track developmental growth from cradle to K and provide coming plans for K-12 school, imminent on-line eschool, or home school. Oh yes, the site will link you to travel / vacation of a life time. You deserve it!!! And will give points for mileage and specials with NWA .