h One of the most important resources we have are sponsors. Estimated retail value of complete airplane toybox professionally built is $500.00 Sponsors donation will help Young eagles explore vocational interests and technical carreers by building an airplane toy box with a chapter leader(s). Young Eagles can use stipens to compete in the design, construction, finish, tools, and methods of airplane toybox building projects.
What You Need to Know to Become a National Corporate Sponsor: Conduct a marketing initiative and donate royalties to a
youth program via TJ's Flying Circus.Make a Monetary Donation to develope youth
What You Need to Know to Become a National Corporate Event Sponsor: Make a donation in support of annual AirVenture event Scenario 1: Make a donation in support of
Regional event DONATIONS Donate airplane toyboxes to be built for
AirVenture and/or
Kid Venture Scenario 1: Purchase plans/materials to build kits for a particular EAA division such as Homebuilts, Sport Pilot, Aerobatics, Vintage, Warbirds, etc. Scenerio 2: Purchase completed Airplane Toy Box(s) in memory of a
loved one with their name(s) engraved into the the wood of their favorite
airplane toy box model and donate to EAA, EAA division, Kid Venture, AirVenture
Museum, or a family. What You Need to Know to Become a local Corporate Sponsor: Make a donation of $1000.00 to build two popular Airplane toybox models and sponsor local Young Eagle Rally, EAA Chapter event, or youth program, YE design contest or YE racing team. Make a donation of $500.00 to build one popular Airplane toybox model and sponsor local Young Eagle Rally, EAA Chapter event, or youth program, YE design contest or YE racing team. Make a donation of $250.00 to buy a child an Airplane toy box kit. Apply your $250.00 airplane toybox kit purchase and member benefit to EAA local Chapter. Note: Normally Airplane Toyboxes built at Airventure stay at Air Venture or Kid Venture or AirVenure Museum. You may loan Airplane toyboxes to Air Venture / Kid Venture and take home after event is over. see airplane toy boxes built during Oshkosh convention here.
Scott T. Olson © Copyright 2008
Cell: (515) 451-7445